ISPM No 15: The IPPC International Standard
Why it matters, and what it achieves for you...
The ISPM-15 Standard governs all solid Wood Packaging used in International trade. The approved measures regulate the Worldwide treatment and distribution of timber, together with the identification by MARKING of appropriately treated wood packaging material.
The application of YOUR UNIQUE FC # MARK on HT 56 /30 treated wood packaging material, indicates the International Phytosanitary Standards have been achieved, meaning that the movement of goods globally when using ISPM15 compliant WPM is safe in terms of being free from quarantine pests and disease that may have been present in the wood material prior to undergoing the heat treatment process.
The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is an international plant health agreement which 181 signatory countries adhere. The Convention's aim is to ensure, by effective co-ordinated action, prevention of the introduction or spread of harmful wood infestations to forests and plantations worldwide is minimised and risk is dramatically reduced.
The IPPC continues to develop phytosanitary measures to safeguard plants and trees on a global scale. It is a proven fact that the insects associated with untreated wood packaging material can greatly impact on forest health and biodiversity. Implementation of the ISPM-15 standard is universally accepted to significantly prevent the spread of these harmful insects, and subsequently reduce their effect on forestation.
TIMCON, (Timber Packaging and Pallet Confederation) in conjunction with the Forestry Commission, and the Wider UK Wood Packaging Industry, have developed a specific compliance program that meets the ISPM-15 Global Standard.
The same standard of treatment is required for ALL wood packaging associated products - pallets, crates / cases, industrial cable reels, dunnage, repairs, and remanufacturing etc. The Forest Service (Northern Ireland) subscribe to exactly the same ISPM-15 Standards as the rest of the United Kingdom.
EBN Partnership Ltd - Recognised Independent Assessment Agency
EBN Partnership Ltd is a Forestry Commission recognised Independent Assessment Agency approved to conduct ISPM-15 Assessment Audits throughout the United Kingdom.
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